Sun Tree (2023)
4m x 2m x2mStainless Steel
Roots (2023)
17m x 2,5mConcrete Relief
Sun Tree takes its starting point in a coin from the 18th century that someone had transformed into a cogwheel. A monetary means that became transformed into a part of a mechanical system. The Sun Tree encompasses questions regarding space, local history and acceleration.
The motifs of the coins emerged during a workshop with two classes from Funboskolan in 2022, inspired by runestones nearby, fresco paintings in Funbo church, and local modern symbols. The coins on the sculpture are open to interpretation, resembling cogwheels, flowers, or suns, speaking to the complexity of societal norms.
The repetitive form echoes the shapes found within the traffic junction, while its roots in the tunnel emphasize the underground setting – the roots, entwined within the earth, serve as conduits between realms, bridging the chasm between surface and subterranean depths.
Client: Uppsala Kommun, Pulic Art
Producer: Art Platform
Architects: Sweco
Construction Contractor: Veidekke
Welding: Bensby Rostfria
Water Jet Cut: WST
Install: Hennings Trumma
Photo: Cristian Quinteros Soto